Island Realty Group as Your
Listing Agent

Assist you in pricing your property
You want to get the highest possible price in the shortest time with
the least amount of inconvenience. Accurate and competitive pricing is the
key to reaching this objective.
An Island Realty Group Listing Agent will
suggest a listing price range based on recent market data, current economic
conditions, and the condition and location of your home.
Suggest any necessary repairs
Buyers are becoming more and more particular, so it is definitely to your
advantage to make sure your home shows well from the day it goes on the
You don’t want to lose a prospective sale because your front door
needed painting and the buyer was turned off even before entering!
Expose your property to a maximum number of buyers
Island Realty Group markets all of our properties extensively and
aggressively. We maintain good working relationships with our fellow
agencies, enjoying successful
co-brokering relationships up and down the
shore, and make it a point to get the word out as soon as your property is
listed. Our unprecedented global online presence
is unsurpassed. Did you
know as many as 90% of today's buyers will begin their search online. Having
a strong unrivaled web presence has greatly attributed to our success.
of all we employ an in-house webmaster guaranteeing up-to-date information
is readily available to prospective buyers.
Arrange showings and provide you with feedback from prospective buyers
Whether you live here or are an out-of-town property owner, we will always
inform you of showings and provide you with immediate feedback.
If your
property is in a rental program, we will coordinate showings in such a way
as not to disrupt the vacations of your guests. If you are selling your
primary residence, we will make appointments in advance so you are not
caught off guard.
Present and negotiate offers in your
Everyone is looking for a deal these days. The
newspapers are filled with advice to buyers on comparison shopping, buyer
agent representation,
and aggressive negotiation. So don’t be insulted if
you are presented with what you consider to be a “low ball” offer. Rather,
look at it as an opportunity
to hammer out a mutually acceptable contract.
Buyers and sellers are not adversaries. Both parties want the same thing - a
sale. It may take a little work
and a lot of patience to find that common
ground, but that’s why you have an Island Realty Group Realtor! He or she
will explain all the contingencies, and
help you remain objective and make
informed decisions based on current trends, market data, and your particular
needs. The easiest way to avoid problems
in a closing is to pay attention to
all of the details at the time the contract is ratified.
Follow through on the contingencies all
the way to closing
Agreeing on the price and terms is just the first step. Your Island Realty
Group Realtor will stay in close communication with the Buyer's Agent to
sure that the contingencies are being met in a timely manner. The
mortgage loan must be applied for and granted within a certain time frame.
Likewise, the home inspection must be done according to schedule and any
necessary repairs made prior to closing. In addition, there may be
contingencies that the buyer’s home sell prior to closing, that you
cooperate in a tax-free exchange, that permits be obtained for new
or remodeling, that a satisfactory lot evaluation be obtained
on a building site, just to mention a few. Island Realty Group will work to
any last minute surprises to ensure a smooth and successful
Meet the Agents of Island Realty Group